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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Overzealous NYPD Can’t Recognize Jolly Ranchers, Arrests Candyman

A couple of members of the NYPD apparently can’t read wrappers, and apparently don’t know the difference between “rock” and “rock candy.”  Love Olatunjiojo and another man were stopped by NYPD officers who found “crystalline rocks of solid material” – four blue and two red – according to the police report (accurately describing Jolly Ranchers) that were still in their wrappers.  
"Rock candy" not "Rock"
Instead of recognizing one of the tastiest candies out there, they took the men in and threw them in jail for 24 hours before tests showed that the candy was what it claimed to be, candy.  Not candy laced with drugs.  Not drugs in a candy wrapper.  Just candy.  Maybe they were taking Mayor Bloomberg’s war on sweets and sugar too literally.  Maybe they were just being hard-asses.  We don’t know what else was said between the men and the police.

What we do know is that the cops have been sued for civil rights violations.  The charges were dropped when the candy was found to be candy.  The men claim “emotional trauma and suffering” as a result of false arrest and imprisonment (anyone who’s been in a New York jail can attest to that).

Story link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/21/love-olatunjiojo-lawsuit-jolly-ranchers-meth_n_4136227.html

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