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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Woman Lures Ex-Boyfriend, Then New Boyfriend Decapitates Him and Father Hides Body

In what is the probably one of the most dysfunctional family stories in a long time, a 19-year old woman on the South Side of Chicago lured her ex-boyfriend – a 30 year-old Honduran named Jose Reyes - to her bedroom by stripping for him.  Her jealous new boyfriend broke through her bedroom door, bashed him with a pipe, and slashed his throat.  The new boyfriend then decapitated Reyes..  Investigators say she then got her father to help chop up the rest of the ex-boyfriend and bury his body parts and bury them in the backyard of their home. 

Daisy Gutierrez
Daisy Gutierrez, the girlfriend, and her new boyfriend, then fled to New Jersey, which seems like a logical choice.

A lot of the story is still a mystery.  It is unclear what prompted police to search the house and yard where the murders took place. It is also unclear what prompted Daisy Gutierrez, a mother of three who is three months pregnant with her new boyfriend’s child, to get her old boyfriend over, strip for him, or admit to the crime along with her father (who is accused only of watching the new boyfriend chop up the body, and helping bury it). 

Police found other human  body parts in jars in the house.  They haven’t determined whether those jars belong to Reyes (the old boyfriend) or someone else.  What they have determined, as reported, is that Daisy Gutierrez planned the murder to get rid of the ex-boyfriend, who enraged the new boyfriend.  Likely more will come out.  We’ll try to keep you updated.

Full Story and additional pictures here:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2447053/Daisy-Gutierrez-lured-ex-boyfriend-death-convinced-father-bury-body.html

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