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Monday, October 7, 2013

Breaking Supreme Court News: Consensual Sodomy Still Officially Legal (Even in Virginia)

In a case that made most of us wonder, “Is this still an issue?” and the Supreme Court tell Virginia’s Attorney General and Candidate for Governor Ken Cuccinelli, “No, it is not still an issue,” it came down today that consensual sodomy is legal in the United States.
Ken Cuccinelli: Guy who wanted to outlaw oral sex

Years after the landmark case of Lawrence vs. Texas, in which the Supreme Court ruled that consensual sodomy (anal and oral sex) between adults is legal, a man in Virginia was arrested for violation of Virginia’s sodomy law.  A federal judge threw the case out, citing Lawrence v. Texas.  That wasn’t enough for Ken Cuccinelli, who asked the US Supreme Court to hear the case and overturn it. 

While the details of the present case against William Scott MacDonald (accused of criminal solicitation for allegedly demanding oral sex from a 17 year old girl) are much more salacious, the underlying conviction for sodomy was the same. 

The Supreme Court, by refusing to hear an the appeal, left in place the trial judge’s ruling and basically told everyone we are in the 21st century and oral and anal sex are not illegal and to get over it.

Prior coverage: www.timesdispatch.com/news/virginia-anti-sodomy-law-overturned-in-colonial-heights-case/article_14f16891-33b7-5f10-89fc-4ee329ea24ff.html

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