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Monday, October 14, 2013

Human Trafficking in Houston: Feds Raid Ring Prostituting Underage, Undocumented Girls

Federal Agents in Houston arrested 13 suspects in connection with an alleged sex trafficking ring in Houston that prostituted underage, undocumented girls from Mexico for up to $500 per hour, according to an indictment unsealed Friday morning.

Nuevo Amencer bar on Telephone Road, site of trafficking
Several bars and brothels were targeted, including one on Telephone Road where area residents saw they saw 20 or more young girls being led out of the Nevo Amanecer nightclub after the raid.

The Houston Chronicle reports that: The girls were kept locked in a second-story room above a bar now called Nuevo Amanecer, and the ring charged a $20 fee for a condom and $15 to use a prostitution room, according to the indictment. The room and condom fees topped $1.26 million from February 2012 to August.

This problem in Houston has not gone unnoticed by the Texas legislature.  During the 83rd legislative session, eight landmark bills were passed aimed at protecting victims of human trafficking and strengthening prosecution of the criminals behind it.  (see Article by Sen Joan Huffman)

One study cited by Senator Huffman says that 25% of the nation’s human trafficking victims are in Texas and Houston has an unwanted reputation of being a major hub of trafficking. 

It looks as though the feds will throw the book at those caught in these raids.  The State and city are sure to follow.  Good.  This is a horrible evil and nothing short of modern-day slavery.

Photo credit (Cody Duty/Houston Chronicle)

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