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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Devil Swine No Longer Among Us: Famous Drunken Feral Hog Allegedly Hit by Car; Scourge Not Over

It has been reported that the drunken feral hog who famously ransacked a campsite in Western Australia, drank 18 beers and attacked a cow has been hit by a car and died.  It was not known whether he had been drinking before the car hit him. No autopsy was performed.  Let’s pause to pour out a sip.  There, now we can answer some questions.

Alleged Famous Drunken Hog Hit by Car

First, yes, the Australian authorities claim that this is the exact same drunken feral hog.  He is allegedly identifiable from distinctive markings behind his ears.  I’m calling B.S. on that.  I think someone in western Australia hit a hog and wanted some notoriety and said this was the same hog.  It’s not like he was wearing a collar.  And it’s not like the earlier story gave a detailed history of the markings on the hog as it was being chased by the cow or resting under the tree nursing its hangover.  (see earlier coverage here).  

And, quite frankly, even if it is the same drunken feral hog that ransacked the campsite last month, it is clear that the Australians did not heed this blog’s repeated advice to secure your beer.  Devil swine are among us.  They are terrorizing Australia (minus one), Atlanta (previous coverage) and suburban Houston.

As we said before, Colbert has warned about his bears, pretentious as that is.  One dead hog does not a scourge end.  The scourge continues.  Keep your beer locked up.  Keep it locked up tight.

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