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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

You’re doing it wrong: Louisiana Man Shooting Heroin Hits Police Car

Louisiana is making a run at Oklahoma and Florida.  This guy is taking the lead. In the annals of criminals doing it wrong, this has to be up there.  A Slidell, Louisiana man was in the act of shooting heroin, while driving his car, when he slammed into the back of a police vehicle.
Parked cruiser hit by dude shooting heroin
The officer was sitting on the shoulder, monitoring traffic when he spotted Ronald Ceplina’s (pictured below) Lincoln veering off the roadway and coming right at the back of his Tahoe.  Let’s picture this.  Ceplina was driving on the roadway.  He veered.  Of all the places he could have veered off the road, he veered slap into the back of a marked police car. 
Genius shooting heroin while driving
The officer said it appeared that Ceplina was looking down (not surprising).  When approached, Ceplina was evasive and wouldn’t say what he was doing (first smart thing he did that day, likely).  Unfortunately for Ceplina there there was this:

"Shockingly, police discovered a fresh syringe, along with suspected heroin, inside of the vehicle.  The syringe had, what appeared to be, dried blood on the needle," Seuzeneau explained.

He says they also found fresh injection marks on the suspects arm. 

In a serious understatement, the detective said, "It is speculated that Ceplina was distracted due to the fact that he was injecting heroin at the time of the crash.”  You don’t say.

Ceplina was charged with carless operation of his vehicle, driving with his license under suspension, and having no seat belt.  Hew as also booked for possession of heroin and paraphernalia.  Kids were around, too, so it could have been much worse.

Dude needs rehab and jail time really, really badly.

1 comment:

  1. Fuck you mother fucker mind your own business he has a family as well
