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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Human Trafficking: Mother in Columbia Arrested for Auctioning her Daughters’ Virginity

About two weeks ago, we reported on virgin auctions in Medellin, Columbia, being run by remnants of Pablo Escobar’s notorious drug cartel.  The investigation and reporting were done by the Independent UK, and apparently, it may have gotten someone’s attention. (Original story here)
Arrests in Bogota for Virgin Auctions
This week, CNN reports that a mother of 14 girls in Bogota, Columbia has been arrested for auctioning off the virginity of all of her daughters when they were barely out of puberty.  (full story)  Margarita de Jesus Zapata Moreno, 45, was arrested along with a 51 year-old contractor who police believe impregnated the now 16-year old daughter who came forward with an accusation and a child, allegedly by the man.

According to CNN: Authorities also say the suspect would begin selling her daughters to men as soon as the girls turned 12 years old. She charged anywhere between 300,000 and 400,000 Colombian Pesos ($160 to $212) for a virgin.

The mother and contractor both deny the accusations.  Police are asking the other daughters to come forward and are working to build cases against other men who paid for sex with the minors.

According to authorities, only two of Margarita de Jesus Zapata Moreno's 14 children were not forced into prostitution. They were the two youngest -- an 11-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl -- and they have been placed in the custody of a Colombian government child protection agency.

This is an atrocious story, and taken with the prior story from the Independent, one of epic proportions in Columbia, of ruined lives and innocents preyed upon.  Lest anyone think it is a third-world problem, we reported on recent arrests in Houston for underage prostitution and human trafficking a few miles from downtown.  (Link here)  
Shining a light on the problem is a start.  Serious jail time for the pimps and johns and protection for the women and girls who come forward is the next step, including T-Visas for the victims in this country who are brave enough to step forward and testify against their traffickers and captors. The sickness that sends men to prize sex with children may best be cured with a shotgun.  It’s good to see that Columbia is starting somewhere.

Story source: CNN

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