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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

“Secret Society” for Sex: Ex-Teacher Convicted for Rape, Punishment Way too Lenient

Robert Louis Rosseau, who taught Bible classes to eighth graders at the Christian Academy of San Antonio is going to prison on two concurrent 12-year sentences for statutory rape.  According to the Houston Chronicle, Rosseau started a “secret society” to lure underage girls to have sex with him.  He convinced two girls to join the group, which involved smoking marijuana, drinking saliva from the pipe, reading Bible verses, Freemasonry, occult, and of course, Rosseau sexually assaulting them.

According to the Chronicle, Rosseau told her he was a “38th degree mason, and he needed to add a third person into the 'society.'” He alluded to sexual contact being required to build the trust that was needed “for the 'order' to operate.”

It all blew up when the third girl refused and tried to tell classmates.  The two participating girls fought her.  The fight led to the expulsion of one of the girls, the police got involved, and Rosseau’s plan unraveled.

I frankly can’t think of a much bigger piece of dirt than this guy, unless he had actually killed the girls.  He was in a position of trust, working at a Christian school, and completely abusing the Bible in his criminal acts.  I’m shocked he only got 12 years, and can’t believe that the court let his sentences run concurrently.  I can only hope that his prison term is its own living hell because he is the epitome of a devil walking among us.

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