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Friday, January 17, 2014

How low can you go? Police arrest two for robbing dying woman in Taco Bell Drive-Thru

A couple of guys with epic names in Witchita, Kansas dropped the level on how low a criminal can go, without actually killing someone or harming a child.  The Wichita Eagle reports that Daquantrius Shaquill Johnson and Quanaque Dontrell Thomas-Hameen are accused of coming across a woman having a fatal brain aneurysm at a Taco bell on December 29, and robbing her of her diamond ring. 

Ring stolen during robbery
Having your final moments in a Taco Bell drive-thru is bad enough.  You didn’t even get to taste the seven-layer burrito before you went to the great burrito bar in the sky. Then two thugs come up and steal your ring.

Not only are Johnson and Thomas-Hameen charged with taking Danielle Zimmerman’s diamond ring as she lay dying in her truck, her family at home waiting on some Taco  Bell, they are also charged with taking her purse and Iphone.  They apparently didn’t call for an ambulance for the dying woman.  They just stole her stuff and went on. 

This apparently isn’t new stuff for them.  Both have lengthy criminal records. 

People in Wichita were understandably outraged.  As reported by the Eagle:

The robbery of the critically ill woman prompted widespread outrage. Danielle Zimmerman died the day after being taken from the drive-through to a hospital in critical condition. She and her husband, Kris, had been married 21 years. They have two sons, 18 and 13.

Kris Zimmerman said Monday that the two arrests gave him some relief. “It helps maybe bring a little bit of closure,” and it shows that Crime Stoppers works and that the community is helping to solve the crime, he said. Police said a tip to Crime Stoppers led to the arrests.

As for Danielle Zimmerman’s teenage sons, “they can’t believe that somebody would do that … a crime like that to somebody in her condition,” Kris Zimmerman said.

“It’s kind of a cruel wake-up call for them.”

He said they have taught their sons to help people in need, “not take advantage of them.”

This blog is outraged, too.  This is awfully low to rob someone in desperate need of medical help, instead of giving them that help.  Prosecutors seem to be ready to throw the book at the pair.  Rightfully so.

Photo and story credit: http://www.kansas.com/2014/01/06/3213605/police-arrest-two-in-robbery-of.html

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