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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

England: No Bears or Hogs, so Deer Step Up Attacks

England wiped out their bears long ago.  Being an island far away from Texas, Florida and Australia, they don’t seem to have a feral hog problem.  Not one worth noting in the news lately.  That, or the hogs are drinking their beer in peace and keeping to themselves in the countryside and not attacking anyone.
Kate Stone, victim of deer attack
Deer, that’s another story.  Apparently, deer have stepped into the void left by the lack of feral hog, bear and even turkey attacks (link)  that take place on the other side of the Atlantic.  The Metro UK has reported that Kate Stone is in intensive care after suffering severe neck and spine injuries when a panicked stag attacked. 

She wasn’t hunting. She was apparently standing outside a bead and breakfast where she and a group of friends were staying in the highlands.  The deer attacked and gored her ferociously.

The owner of the bed and breakfast tried to explain (and perhaps reclaim all the business lost from people who don’t feel like being gored near to death by deer on their vacations).  As quoted in Metro:

Gary Burton, the owner of the nearby Mo-Dhachaidh B&B where the group was staying, said: ‘I think what happened was that the stag panicked. It was trapped in a fenced garden having got through a gate. I don’t think there was anywhere else to go and it charged out of the gate.

‘It’s very bizarre and very horrific.’

He added: ‘This is a one-in-a-million event which has shocked the whole community. We are at one with nature in Lochailort, and we have deer all around us.’

While you may be ‘at one’ with nature, Gary, nature is not at one with you.  Nature is clearly fighting back.  And they have sharp antlers.  UK readers beware, the deer are on the attack.

Story: Metro UK, Picture Metro UK, via Facebook.

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