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Friday, January 24, 2014

Carnies among us: Texas Carnival Worker Found Guilty of Having Crack Shipped to Him in Doll

A Texas carnival worker who was apparently traveling the country, and missing his crack, had his crack shipped to him in a doll while in South Dakota.  Keoland.com reports that a Sioux Falls, Minehaha County, jury found John Whitfield Jr. guilty of possession with intent to distribute, possession of a controlled substance and possession of paraphernalia. The judge threw out the intent to distribute charge.
John Whitfield, Jr.
The crack was shipped hidden inside a doll.  Police found a similar doll in Whitfield’s truck along with the paraphernalia (presumably a crack pipe) and cocaine residue. 

There wasn’t any information on the time that he’ll serve.  I’m sort of torn on this.  Life on the road operating carnival rides in tiny towns all over the country has to be pretty bad.  Mind-numbingly bad.  Presumably, a carnival worker, who is itinerant, can’t trust local drug dealers.  So, I can sort of understand why he’d do crack and can understand why he’d have it shipped to him.  Not that I condone that sort of thing. 

Because he was running a carnival ride.  Carnival rides are not particularly safe anyway.  They really aren’t safe when the people setting them up and running them are high on crack.  I don’t’ go to carnivals for that reason.  Because the rides break and some of the carnival workers are really dodgy.  Apparently, the Sioux Falls police thought the same thing and decided to check out the local carnies and found what they were looking for. 

Be careful of carnivals.  Don’t get on the rides.

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