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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Chinese Doctor Tried for Stealing and Selling Babies

An obstetrician is on trial for stealing and selling them to child traffickers, according to a BBC article (citing Chinese state media).
Accused Chinese Doctor Zhang Shuxia
The doctor is accused of telling the parents that their children had serious congenital diseases and convincing them to give them up.  She would then allegedly sell the babies to child traffickers, who would sell them to other couples in China.  This all apparently came to light when one set of parents doubted the doctor’s story and went to police, who found the child living with another family. 

The doctor’s defense lawyer said that the parents had voluntarily given up the babies. 

This seems to come back, once again, not only to greed and evil, but to China’s one-child policy. Since most families can only have one child, there is a preference for healthy baby boys.  If the parents thought their children were sick, they would be more likely to give them up and try to conceive again.  If the child was actually healthy, there would be a market for the child for couples who could not conceive on their own. 

If true, it is another case of the social-engineering policy gone creating perverse incentives for criminality. 

Photo credit: Reuters

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