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Monday, January 27, 2014

Dennis Rodman Being Investigated for Violating Trade Sanctions, Embarrassment to Country

Dennis Rodman reportedly brought thousands of dollars in luxury gifts to Kim Jong Un, his new besty, in violation of trade sanctions between the US and North Korea.  It wasn’t enough that Rodman went to the hermit kingdom and glorified the murderous, totalitarian regime of the Kim family by playing basketball, partying, and bringing other NBA stars.  It wasn’t enough that Rodman, while using diplomacy as his excuse for the trips, ignored Kenneth Bae, the Korean-American missionary who is imprisoned in the North Korean gulag, and then went almost insane when asked about it by CNN. 

No, Rodman actually had to bring things to Kim which were illegal to bring.  According to the Daily Beast, they included hundreds of dollars’ worth of Irish Jameson whiskey, European crystal, an Italian suit, a fur coat, and an English Mulberry handbag for Kim’s wife, Ri Sol-ju.  The gifts were reportedly worth more than $10,000.  Rodman also reportedly brought several bottles of his own brand of “Bad Ass Vodka” to Kim.

The Treasury Department, in consultation with the State Department, is currently looking into the allegations that Rodman violated that law, one U.S. official told The Daily Beast. It’s unclear whether the inquiry has included the participation of the Department of Justice, which would be brought in to prosecute any violations.

Further, the maximum criminal penalty Rodman could face, if prosecuted and convicted, is up to a $1 million in fines and 20 years in prison.

Most Americans would seemingly rather see Rodman just go to North Korea and stay there.  There is a new Foot Locker commercial  poking fun at lots of things (Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield’s ear, Brett Favre) but it also shows Rodman buying a one-way ticket to North Korea and having people cheer.  It’s supposed to be funny.  I think most people would actually cheer such a move. 

Aside from trying to get himself some publicity, there is no telling what Rodman has been up to.  There is also the chance that he was paid by Kim to show up and play basketball, though Rodman insists that he wasn’t paid.  Why else would Rodman go to North Korea.  Maybe that was the only way anyone would hear about “Bad Ass Vodka.”  I doubt anyone will buy it. Rodman is a troubled person.  He’s reportedly now in rehab for drinking more than anyone has ever seen, which would make it drinking in epic proportions.

Like we said, maybe he ought to just stay next time he goes to North Korea.

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