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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Update: Bears-Fan Husband Who Popped Packers-Fan Wife with Taser Sentenced

Back in November, we reported on the hero Chicago Bears-fan who made a bet with his Packers-fan wife that if the Bears won, he could pop her with a stun gun. At the time, it was a good bet for the wife. The Packers were riding high.  It was all fun and games until Aaron Rogers got thrown down like a rag-doll in the first quarter on a sack, broke his collar-bone and with it, went the rest of the game.
#1 Bears Fan
Since then, Rogers' collar-bone healed, the Cowboys completed an epic meltdown against the Packers, the Bears completed an epic meltdown against everyone else, including an end-of-season loss to the Packers, allowing the Packers to get in the playoffs over the Bears, and another Bears season went down the tubes.  But for one glorious night, the Bears were on top, and a husband won a bet and popped his wife with the taser.

There were a couple of problems with this, as we pointed out earlier.  First, you shouldn’t ever make a wager with your wife that involves popping her with a taser unless you’re really, really sure she’s into that. Not cool with that.  INTO THAT.  She was not into that.  She was severely butt-hurt over Aaron Rogers and his discount-double check getting double-checked to the turf.  And when she got popped, she called the cops.

The cops showed up, verified the bet with text messages (good call with the texts), but bad call because husband didn’t have a permit for the taser.

The husband has just been sentenced for the unlicensed taser. The Dispatch reports  that he got a $250 fine and court costs.  That seems fair.  They probably took into account that he lives with the wife in a semi.  They’re long haul truckers.  And they might have taken into account that the Packers beat the Bears in the last game of the season to get in the playoffs, which is punishment enough for Bears fans.  Yes, it hurt.  It hurt like a taser to the backside.

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