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Monday, January 13, 2014

England: “Wacky Pants” at Club Leads to Feud, to Stabbing, to Revenge Hacking to Death

Only in England (or perhaps Florida) could the following occur, as reported in NY Daily News: A British father to be was hacked to death in front of his pregnant fiancée, all stemming from a feud that started over “wacky-pants” at a club.

Dude killed for saying someone else had "wacky pants"
Danny Gough, 24, was with a group of guys at a club when one of them accused another dude in another group of wearing “wacky pants.” Whether these were Zubaz, Hammer Pants, or criss-crossed pants, the article does not disclose.  It does disclose that the owner of said “wacky pants” was not cool with his pants being called “wacky.”  Most guys wearing Zubaz like their Zubaz and think they’re cool. Same with Hammer Pants. The dude in the pants was named Monteith.  Interestingly, Gough, the dude who was part of the crew making fun of Monteith about his pants, has on some hideous Jams-shorts in his Facebook picture, so you’ve got to wonder what Monteith’s pants looked like.  Maybe they were tailored jeans.

The war of words about the pants escalated quickly.  Alcohol was apparently involved.  Apparently Gough was part of a group of guys who sprayed Monteith with ammonia an left him with a large gash across his face after stabbing him.  Six weeks later, Monteith and some of his crew tracked Gough down through Facebook (put your stuff about your whereabouts on private, people), saying he was about to go back to his hometown. They showed up at his house, yelled, “Police” busted in his door, sprayed him, his fiancé and his fiancee’s mom with ammonia (to the eyes so they couldn’t see who was attacking them) and then hacked Gough to death with a knife, ax and machete. 

All over some pants.  Really, all over some smack talk over some pants.  Dudes in crews.  Nobody wanting to back down.  Now one guy’s dead.  A kid-to-be is orphaned and others are in jail.  Over some smack talk about a dude who just wanted to wear Zubaz or Hammer Pants. 

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