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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

UK Clowns Showing True Colors, Clown Crime Wave Uncovered

Rogue clowns in the United Kingdom, which is to say, most clowns in the UK, have been on a crime wave.  Since the Northampton Clown came out and stood around terrorizing people (see here), several police forces around the UK have been forced by freedom of information requests to reveal the extent of the scourge.
UK Clowns: Worried about their image, should be
According to the Guardian UKThese include reports to Derbyshire police of a clown carrying a knife and incidents in South Yorkshire of a clown staring through the windows of people's homes. Those two forces recorded 29 and 28 clown-related incidents respectively.

Now, so-called legitimate clowns are upset that the rogue clowns are sullying their otherwise bad name.  Tony Eldridge, secretary of Clowns International, says that the rogue clowns is not doing his clowning any favors. 

Tony (aka Bluebottle) said: "The people behind it might see it as a bit of a laugh, but for the victims it can be a horrible experience.

"The fear of clowns – coulrophobia – is a real thing and some people will react very badly to this. Not to mention people who are elderly or vulnerable.

"This has nothing to do with clowning, it's a small group of people with stupid views and it spoils the fun for everybody else."

Why yes, Tony, seeing a grown man in wildly colored, over or undersized suit, fake hair, full-face makeup might seem funny.  It also might seem like someone might have a knife or gun inside that oversized suit and have their identity disguised by the fake hair and full-face makeup.  Like the hit-clown in Mexico. (see here).

Let’s not forget the hit-clown of Mexico and the Mexican clowns who were likewise decrying rogue clowns.  Now, we have clowns in the UK decrying knife-wielding clowns in their country.  Let’s quit calling fear of clowns a phobia and call it an effective lookout.

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