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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Protip: When Fleeing Cops After Stealing a Motorcycle, Don’t Leave ID Behind

Listen Florida motorcycle thieves, here’s your protip for the day: when fleeing police, on foot or on bike, don’t leave your backpack behind. And if you do leave your backpack behind, make sure it doesn’t have anything to readily identify you.
Protip: take this with
Dalje.com reports that once again, CSI was not forced to the scene of a Florida crime. No forensics were required.  No high powered computers.  No mock ups, or DNA evidence needed. No.  Police in Cape Coral spotted a man, later easily identified as Scott Ogden, appearing to check the battery and headlight of a motorcycle.  They approached to see if everything was o.k.  He said he was helping a friend get the motorcycle running, but was unable to give the name or address of the friend.

Protip number two here for motorcycle thieves in Florida, have a believeable backstory that doesn’t involve a one-step follow-up trip-up.  If your backstory is that you are helping a friend, perhaps you ought to have a friend you can name, who could then perhaps try to vouch for you.  If not, come up with another story.  Or don’t steal a motorcycle. 

The police then calmly ran the motorcycle’s plate and found it was reported stolen.  The theft report said the vehicle lacked a battery and would not start without a key.  So Ogden stole a motorcycle that wouldn’t start. Perhaps he pushed it away.

When confronted with this information, Ogden fled, leaving his backpack behind.  Officers did not give chase. They didn’t need to.  They looked in the backpack and found his ID, then went to the address the next day, where he admitted stealing the motorcycle. 

You’re making it too easy.  Worst episode of CSI ever.  Worst episode of COPS ever. When the police don’t even have to chase you, and can just go get dinner, go home, chill, then get you the next day, you’re doing it wrong and it’s time to reevaluate lots of things in your life.  Scott Ogden will have that time now.

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