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Monday, January 6, 2014

Fake Florida Cop Goes Full Florida, Drops Trou in IHOP

As we posted earlier today, Florida is home the guy who outfitted his Tahoe with red and blue flashing lights and got a fake badge and first pulled over a woman in a mall parking lot, then pulled over an actual cop in a marked cop car.  Not shrewd. 

According to the Orlando Sentinel, it is also home to Matt Skytta, who wanted a free meal at IHOP in Orlando, and assumed that cops get free meals at places like IHOP.  So, in the manner of all-star Floridians, he didn’t flash a badge, he flashed an Orlando Police Department insignia patch, because that looks official. 

When that didn’t work, he pulled down his pants and flashed his butt, because that’s more official, I guess.

Orlando Police showed up to the IHOP and found out that Skytta had been coming to the IHOP for several days demanding free food and claiming he was a police officer. Either this IHOP has extreme patience or the Orlando Police don’t take this sort of thing seriously.  Apparently when you either (a) throw down a patch, or (b) drop trou, things get real in Orlando.  I’m thinking it’s (b).

Skytta then took it up another notch. The Sentinel reports that When police took him out of the IHOP, Skytta said, "I'm a Green Beret! If I die, Obama dies!"

He continued talking, the report said, stating that he knows the police chief, and that his "retired brothers will help me out."

So, he had to bring the President into it.  He took the crazy up another notch.  Seriuosly, he needs a mental evaluation and needs some help.  IHOP pancakes are decent.  They’re not worth going to jail over. 

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