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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Florida Reform School Grave Tally Stands at 55 for Now, Half Done

In a horrific story of abuse at a now-closed reform school in the Florida panhandle that operated from 1900 until it was shut in 2011, forensic anthropologists from the University of South Florida have uncovered the remains of 55 African-American boys.  This is more than twice the amount that the Dozier School reported had died during the tenure of the school.  The school was segregated for much of its existence.  The anthropologists haven’t searched for or found the white section yet.

Family at the Dozier School
MSN reports (along with the Wall Street Journal, that has been reporting on the story for some time as it has developed) that the anthropologists have been using ground sensing technology to find areas of decreased density, then unearthing and cataloging the remains. They have been taking DNA samples from relatives who had loved ones die or disappear at the school – which had a reputation for shocking brutality.

The Dozier School began as a reform school for boys who committed relatively major crimes, but over the years began to house kids with lesser offenses.  None of them were capital offenses.

Robert Straley, now age 63, was one of the former inmates who initially brought allegations of the brutality at the school. He was sent there in 1963 for car theft.  He said he was whipped 35 or 40 lashes with a three foot long whip the first night he was at the school (WSJ article).  The school “was brutal beyond belief.”

Hopefully those who committed this brutality, and allowed it to go unchecked for all those years, will be taken to task.  Hopefully the families who lost loved ones, who lost children, will have some closure.

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