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Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Fiction: Devils Walk Through Galveston, Chapter 3

This is the fourth installment of Devils Walk Through Galveston, my first novel.  The prologue, Chapter 1 (which introduced the crime and criminal), and Chapter 2 (which introduced the police officers)  were posted earlier.  This chapter follows the story of the first murder and gives more detail into the seduction of the victim.  I hope you enjoy it and share.

3.  The girl in the red negligee, Clarksdale the night before
Judas wanted a whiskey neat and a place to rest, see some people, hear them talk.  John needed the noise and familiar forms of the Delta but didn’t need to see anyone he knew.  So they walked here from the train yard, forty miles south and across the river from West Helena, Arkansas. 
Walked in slow, and adjusted to the dim light after the glare of the flood light above the outside door.  The place had a decent crowd.  He saw this at the door and wouldn’t have gone in otherwise.  He moved around the tables to the bar.  Asked softly for a whiskey neat and water back when the bartender came over.  Turned and watched the couples dance.  Looked at the crowd at the tables.  Three old boys from some other town ate burgers from the white bag of a country store.  Three girls in overdone makeup at a table alternately eyeing men.  The fourth chair at their table open.  John felt Judas settle down on the stool next to him.  Pointed to John’s glass and nodded at the bartender.  Pulled on the Jack Daniels.  Looked at John briefly and started in:
“Pretty girls here.”
“Some are o.k.”
“Most are in groups or couples.”
“I know.”
“Looks like those three went to church on Sunday.”
“They appear to have been absolved and have a clean slate.  Fresh sins to be had.”

“You don’t know.”
“There are three at a table with only a fourth chair.  Who do they think is going to come up and talk to all three?  They want a bold man.”
“Not me.”
“Damn right.
“Let’s settle in.  The DJ’s pretty good.”
“The DJ sucks.  But we can settle in for a spell.”
He saw her come out of the bathroom and across the floor.  Tight jeans and heels. A red negligee top that was just tight and low enough to show off her breasts.  Just loose enough at the bottom to hide her little belly.  Pretty enough.  Not too pretty, which was perfect.  She glanced at him as she passed the turn in the bar and sat down on the opposite side.  Ordered a white wine and sipped it.  A few songs passed.  One of the country boys came up and asked her to dance.  They walked out to the floor and moved well, precise.  Not too close.  Not too many smiles.  Him glancing to his friends who were leaning in closer, talking into each others’ ears.  The song ended and the old boy leaned into her ear, pointed to the table.  She looked down and shook her head, headed back to her drink. 
The night wore on.  The DJ left to smoke.  The three girls gave up and talked to each other.  One of the old boys came to the bar and asked the bartender to send a round to those fine ladies.  The bartender said “shit” and put three glasses of wine on the bar.  The old boy walked it over to their table and his friends pulled two chairs over, between each of the girls.  Flirtation commenced.  Hands slipped under the table.  One of each went to the bathroom.  Others danced.  John turned toward the girl in the red negligee.  Then, when she smiled and showed a tiny bit of teeth between her lips, he walked over. 
Her name was Desiree. She was from here.  She got divorced a year ago and was starting to get back out.  He asked if she wanted to dance.  “Oh yes,” she said, “I’d like that.”
So they moved to the edge of the dance floor.  When they reached it he turned to her.  She laughed and moved in close. Rested her hands on his hips.  Leaned in and said he felt too thin. 
“I’ll do.”
“Yes, you will.”
“Well, now.”
She bit his ear lobe.  Leaned her head back a little and grinned.  He turned her twice and ran his hand across her low back, but not her belly.  Just let it brush the satin of her top.
The song ended and she asked if he wanted to join her.
“I’ve gotta get going.”
“Have to get to Memphis in the morning.”
“Work tomorrow afternoon.”
“Where are you staying?”
“I was going to find a hotel room.  I think the boys are staying at the Hampton.”
“They didn’t want to join you.”
“They drove while I slept.  They’re tired.  I’ll meet them in the morning at the McDonalds.”
She didn’t want to let it go.  She’d had two glasses of wine which gave much courage.  “You want a nightcap?”  She leaned forward.  She was almost up against him, his knees out to the side, her leaning into the middle.  He could see her red nipple and the freckles on her pale, pale breasts.
“That’d be nice.”
“You want to follow me?”
“The boys have the car.  They dropped me off.  I said I’d walk to the hotel.  You could drop me off there after the drink.”
“You want to come to my place.  It’s nothing fancy.  I have some wine.” 
Smiling. Showing teeth of his own.  “Wine sounds good.”
“Let’s go then.”  She brushed her hand on the front of his pants.  Swiped it over  the bulge of his cock. 
“I’ll follow you out.  I want to see your incredible behind.”
Small laughter.  This time she grabbed his cock with the palm of her hand.  Let it go.  Then she turned and walked, half coy covering her mouth with her hand, looking back over her shoulder.  She switched her hips all the way out the door.
Judas paid his tab and followed ten seconds behind.

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