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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Prologue to Devils Walk Through Galveston

This is the opening, the prologue to Devils Walk Through Galveston, my crime/law novel that lends part of its name to the blog and sets the tone.  More will follow.  The whole thing can be purchased here.  It is the story of the accused train-car killer John Doddy, the police who chase him, the lawyers who defend and prosecute him for personal ends, and the deals they make shifting in the fog of trial.

            They say we’re all children of God.  They say we’re all dead men.  They say the Devil walks among us.  I say there’s more than one. 
I say there are devils that sit in the shadows of smoky bars.  Devils that offer to dance, that know where you hurt, where you laugh.  Devils that know just how to stroke your hair and feel the edge of your hip.  Then there are devils that speak quietly in the rhythms of our grandfathers, that urge and prod and quietly demand.  Devils that speak with golden tongues.  That wear expensive suits, or diamond crusted grills, with leather briefcases or ghetto palaces.  Devils with black robes.  There are devils you run to and devils that find you on their own.
They say everything happens for a reason.  They say you have to have faith.  I say there are devils that walk among us.  I have met some and know their names.

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