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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

“Fat Lionpig” and the Crazed Puppetteer: Police Find Dungeon for Children, Arrest Devil Before He Can Kill

Massachusetts, then angled on message boards to kidnap children to torture and cannibalize received a 26-year sentence, meaning that – since he’s only 40 years-old now – he could be released and promptly deported to England.  Hopefully he never gets the chance.

Stairway to Portway's Dungeon
 Geoffrey Portway, who went by the handle “Fat Lionpig” in online chats, plotted to kidnap, rape and eat children.  He went online to meet up with other sick bastards to try to procure children.  He hooked up with a puppeteer who worked at a church in Florida.

These online chats drew the attention of police, who monitor these types of message boards (thank God for that).  Police raided Portway’s house in Massachusetts and found masses of child and cannibal pornography, as well as a truly chilling scene:

"Authorities also found a locked basement, court documents show. Photos taken the day of Portway's arrest show a narrow wooden staircase leading downstairs to a soundproof room in which he planned to imprison children. The room was furnished with a metal cage with a circular hole for feeding, a rusted and worn steel-topped table, as well as multiple kinds of metal bondage equipment. A child-sized coffin made of plywood was found on the floor nearby.

In the kitchen, a jug of Clorox bleach was seen by the doorway, while a red child-sized 'onesie' lay on the countertop, amid snacks and disposable syringes. A butcher kit containing plastic gloves, an apron, cutting board, bone saw, cleaver, shears, and multiple knives was photographed in the sink.”

Thank God the police were monitoring the chat room and found Portway before he could go further in his plan. Thank God they found the crazed puppeteer, too and took both of them down.  Twenty-six years was the sentence for the child pornography.  Hopefully Portway (or the puppeteer) ever gets out.  If word of Portway’s child-dungeon gets out in the prison where he’s housed, I doubt he’ll make it anywhere near that long.

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