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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ariel Castro: Cleveland Kidnapper, Dead in Prison Cell. Good riddance.

Ariel Castro, the devil of a Cleveland man who was convicted of kidnapping and raping three women, holding them captive in his house for years, has been found dead in his prison cell. Good riddance. (Full story)

Castro had been sentenced to life plus 1000 years, but during sentencing claimed that his victims were partly to blame.

Castro was found hanging in his cell. He was in solitary confinement in protective custody, being checked every thirty minutes. He apparently was left with something to hang himself and did it in the interval. 

Life plus 1000 years is a death sentence, carried out naturally by the passage of time, by some other inmate, or by himself. He chose the latter option and will go straight to hell, where he belongs.

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