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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Huge Dog-Fighting Ring Taken Down

A huge, four-state dog-fighting ring spanning the Southeast has been taken down with twelve arrests and the seizure of 367 pit bulls.  Raids last week on homes in Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi seized half a million dollars, along with the dogs. 

As reported in the Houston Chronicle U.S. Attorney George Beck said, “"I believe if Dante were alive today and rewriting the 'Inferno' that the lowest places in hell would be reserved for those who commit cruelty to our animals and to our children."  He’s right. 

Most of the defendants are charged with conducting an illegal gambling business.  Many of the dogs were found chained, covered with fleas, malnourished and with fighting injuries.  They are being kept for now as evidence, and cared for by the Humane Society before they can be retrained and placed in new homes. 

This is considered one of the largest seizures of fighting dogs ever and as significant as a 2009 seizure of nearly 500 dogs in Missouri.

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