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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Guilty Verdict in Christmas Eve Murder of 12 Year-Old Boy

The trial of Mona Nelson, who was accused of killing the 12 year-old son of her roommate on Christmas Eve afternoon 2010, when the boy wouldn’t let her in the apartment, came to a close.  The prosecutor, in her closing argument, stated, "Mona Nelson got drunk and when she gets drunk, she gets mean," prosecutor Connie Spence said in closing arguments. "We'll never know how she killed him. The mind reels at the possibilities." (Full Story) 

Nelson's attorney countered that there was no forensic evidence tying Nelson to the disappearance or death of Jonathan Foster, and someone else may have been involved.

The prosecutor argued that Nelson, a former boxer who worked as a welder, got to the apartment without a key and wanted in.  The boy had been ordered by his mother not to let anyone in. Allegedly, Nelson got in, killed the boy, and cut him up with welding tools. The boy’s body was found cut up and charred in a culvert in North Houston. Surveillance video showed someone in Nelson’s truck dumping the body. Nelson claimed that she was riding with the boy’s estranged stepfather, who asked her to get rid of a full trash can. Police cleared the stepfather with other surveillance video of him drinking at a bar during the hours the boy disappeared. 

Nelson’s been found guilty.  The prosecution didn’t seek the death penalty, so she’ll face life in prison. You murder a child, you should get worse.

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