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Monday, September 23, 2013

Texas Woman Gets Life Sentence for 6th DWI

A Hays County, Texas jury sentenced a 44 year-old San Marcos (south of Austin) woman to life in prison for her sixth DWI conviction.  Rose Ann Davidson had served time in prison for previous alcohol-related convictions.  She was stopped this time for driving erratically with an open container of beer in her vehicle. (Houston Chronicle)

This begs a serious questions: how did she get a vehicle to begin with? She clearly shouldn’t have had a driver’s license and shouldn’t have been able to get a car legally with that many prior DWI convictions.  She clearly has an addiction to alcohol, which is sad.  She chose to continue to drive while intoxicated, which takes this from the realm of being sad to being outrageous.

The people of Hays County clearly had had enough.  Driving a 3000 pound car while intoxicated is like shooting a gun into a populated area.  This woman clearly wouldn’t stop driving drunk.  She is incorrigible.  Whatever treatment she had done before, and whatever sentences in prison she had served before didn’t do the job.  Now Texans get to pay for her to live in jail for the rest of her life, which is expensive and seems excessive at first glance, until you consider that it was a matter of time until she plowed into someone (perhaps again).  Incorrigibility is impossible to legislate against.  This is a prison sentence of deterrence, so she cannot ever drive drunk again.

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