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Friday, December 27, 2013

New Hampshire, Gets in Sword-Attack Mode, Introduces State to Blog

There are a few clear ways to get onto this blog: (1) be a drunken feral hog doing what drunken feral hogs do: (2) become an all-star Floridian; (3) attack someone with a sword.  We have profiled more of the first two than I can link up here easily.  On the third count, we have linked to sword wielding robbers who were grabbed by the cojones on the way to failing, and a man who demanded insanely good tacos for free with a samurai sword, while failing.

Steven Austin - Sword Hitter Without Tacos
A man in New Hampshire has introduced that state to this blog with a sword. WMUR reports that Steven Austin, 34, attacked a woman with a sword.  Police were called to the scene, where he reportedly had hit the woman in the head with the sword.  She had non-life threatening injuries. 

That’s all that was reported, leaving a few questions and assumptions: (1) the sword was either very dull or he hit her with the butt end, I’m guessing it was a dull replica sword and some sort of Dungeons & Dragons weekend reenactor sword rather than a replica samuri sword hung on the wall – the dudes I knew who kept those things kept them sharp; and (2) there must be no good tacos in New Hampshire if there were none reported as part of a plot to get tacos as part of this sword-assault. Had this sword attack occurred in South Texas, tacos surely would have been involved.  New Hampshire is not known for too much.  It is known for being home to those who want to live free or die.  It is known for being cold.  It is not known for tacos. 

If it is going to get back on this blog on a regular basis and have any chance of competing with Florida, it is going to have to do some serious stepping up. It could start with getting some better Tacos.  Mix those with the swords that seem to be prevalent there, and you have the recipe for at least one more post.

Full, brief story and picture: http://www.wmur.com/news/nh-news/police-man-arrested-after-attacking-woman-with-sword/-/9857858/23562282/-/mrivu5/-/index.html#mid=17376772

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