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Monday, December 30, 2013

Potentially Justifiable Stabbing on Christmas: Don’t Mess With the Woman Making Apple Fritters

I consider myself a pretty level-headed guy.  I can be hard-headed.  I have been called defensive, and got defensive about it (giving reasons for being defensive, which I thought were justified). But, get between me and an apple fritter and I lose my shiat.  I absolutely do.  I also live about three miles from Christy’s Donuts in Houston (non-paid endorsement), which has the best apple fritters I’ve ever had in my life.  It takes serious self-control to stay out of Christy’s.  Once I get started and eat one of their apple fritters, all I can think about for the next week is how I deserve another apple fritter, how I will actually swim another ten laps to burn the calories for that apple fritter, and why I need to drive past West Gray and Montrose so I happen to be at that stoplight and can turn there.  It is also why I have never made apple fritters at home.  I am one home-made batch of apple fritters away from a 50-inch waist and weighing four bills.  I won’t start, because I don’t think I could stop.  So, yes, I think I understand those who struggle with addiction to meth. 
Contisha Hayes: Fritter Defender

I also understand Contisha Q. Hayes, of Akron, Ohio, who was arrested on Christmas for stabbing her sister who started pulling her hair and generally jacking with Contisha while Contisha was cooking up a batch of apple fritters.  YOU DO NOT MESS WITH THE WOMAN MAKING APPLE FRITTERS.  There, I said it loud.  It may be a little over the top. For the prosecutors and defense attorneys of Houston, if there is ever a jury trial of anyone involved in a case involving Christy’s Donuts or any fritter-related incident of any sort, here is your warning that I may not be the most unbiased juror.  Because, I understand the deeper meaning when the police report says that Contisha’s sister started to “play fight” and pull her hair while she was frying up a batch of what was probably lightly cinnamoned, apple infused dough which was probably just about ready to be taken off at the perfect time for glazing.  Making fritters is not an easy task   Too short in the fryer and they are doughy and ruined.  Too long and the outside gets burned and they are hard.  Then they need to be glazed while still hot so that the glaze can settle and not get too thick and so hot that the glaze all melts off either. It is a delicate art which should not be messed with by “play fighting.”

So, while I don’t condone it, I understand it when I read in the Beacon Journal,  that Contisha “pulled out a knife and stabbed her sister Tamara D. Delaney, 21, in the chest.”  The chest-stabbing is the quickest way to stop the hair-pulling, “play fighting,” fritter-messing up, general jackassery that can ruin Christmas.  Like a sibling chest-stabbing and night spent in jail could theoretically ruin Christmas. Continsha, in the mug shot, doesn’t look like Christmas was ruined, though.  She looks like a woman who did what she had to do. She looks like a woman who isn’t going to get her hair pulled the next time she’s making fritters. 

Full story and picture credit: Akron Beacon Journal

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