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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quiet Night in Daytona Beach: Stripper, Boyfriend and 72 year-old Client all Arrested, Charged with Drug and Other Offenses

Florida, as much as Canada tries to take your title or mock you from north of the border, it has no chance.  Because every time a Mountie tries to smoke weed on duty and in uniform and gets tased by a fellow officer and you think, man, the cold gets to those people, there’s something from Florida that tops it.  There’s this.  A quiet night in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Robert Cook: Strippers and blow

The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports that a 72 year-old patron of the Shark Lounge, Robert Cook, tipped a dancer $8 (which was half of what she made that night), and she was allegedly so grateful, she and her boyfriend decided to give him a ride home.  Cook, who has epic facial hair and an equally epic mullet for a 72 year-old that would immediately grant him a Canadian passport, took the ride with the dancer at 3:30 a.m., and her boyfriend, mar Lawrence. 

Lawrence had recently gotten out of prison in South Carolina, had a South Carolina prison ID card as his only form of ID and was driving a stolen car with South Carolina plates.  Not the way to start a new life, young man.  It was unknown how Angela Miller, the 33 year-old dancer, got hooked up with Lawrence, or how bad her dancing skills are that she got only $16 in tips for a whole night.  That is just sad.

Either way, the trio got pulled over and it went downhill.  Lawrence, the ex-con, gave a false identity to officers.  Cook, the old guy, was “totally uncooperative and refused to answer most questions” couldn’t explain how he knew the couple but said “the black guy was driving me home,” according to the police report.

Then there were the drugs, which make the story make more sense.  Police records show that Lawrence and Miller, aside from being charged with possession of the stolen car, were charged with possession of cocaine and paraphernalia.  Cook, the old guy, was charged with possession of meth.  Looks like a drug bender was about to happen or had happened.

Florida, with your strippers, old guys, mullets, bears, alligator and pythons, Canada has no chance. They have mounties, mayors and poutine.  No chance.

Full story:  http://www.news-journalonline.com/article/20131213/NEWS/131219688/1025?p=1&tc=pg

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