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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Charlotte Man Planned Ambush on Police, Firefighters

One of my favorite verses of scripture is John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. I would posit that laying down one’s life for strangers on a daily basis shows as great a love.  My friends and family who are policemen and firefighters are true heroes. They risk their lives on a daily basis to help strangers. 

A truly evil and mentally disturbed man in Charlotte planned an ambush on these very men and women  Search warrants at the home of 68 year-old Garret Nagle’s home uncovered hundreds of knives, guns and a threat of booby traps.  Police say that Nagle planned to ambush first responders ads they answered his 911 call for help.

Neighbors along Hoover Circle in northwest Charlotte say they knew something wasn't right with Garrett Nagle.

"He used to watch the neighborhood all day and all night," said neighbor Thaineja Downing. "He's always acted weird. He used to say very weird things. But he was also nice."

Nagle had a history of communicating threats to the police and had threatened suicide-by-cop.

Nagle stabbed himself last week, telling the 911 operator "his spirit would come back to crucify those who harassed him." And that the CIA was stealing money from him. Police found hundreds of knives, guns, real and fake, and dozens of prescription pills inside his home.

Fortunately, when the time came, officers took Nagle into custody without anyone getting injured.  He was involuntarily committed to a mental health facility.

Evil lurked within the man in the form of mental illness.  Fortunately those who serve us so we can live in peace and safety weren’t killed in the line of this man’s fire. 

To all police and fire-fighter friends, thank you for all you. 

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