
Disclaimer: I am providing the content on this blog solely for the reader's general information. This blog contains my personal commentary on issues that interest me. Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed on this blog are mine alone, and not the views of any law firm with which I am in any way associated or any other member of any such law firm. Nothing on this blog is intended to be a solicitation of, or the provision of, legal advice, nor to create an attorney-client relationship with me or any law firm. Please view my "Full Disclaimer" statement at the bottom of the page for additonal information..

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Welcome to Devils Walk Among Us

This blog will have three main types of posts: (1) fiction; (2) true crime which is stranger than fiction; and (3) commentary on criminal cases.  It is a crime/law blog based on my love of crime/law writing.  It will include portions of my novel, Devils Walk Through Galveston, short stories, and portions of the sequel to DWTG, the novel in progress now titled Fear of Cold Water and Blued Tattoos.  Depending on the news cycle, crime cycle, writers’ block, and the ebbs and flows of my day-job,  the types of posts will likely not be evenly distributed.

I’ll endeavor to post every day.  I invite you to send me links to true crime news stories that fit the site’s profile.  I also invite you to send me original fiction (see submission policy).  I’d love for this site to become a launch pad and test kitchen for crime/law writers.

So please sit back with a strong cigar and stronger whiskey, read the blog, follow it, comment and pass it along to friends, and do please participate by sending news links and stories of your own and comment on the writing and commentary.

1 comment:

  1. Very excited about this avenue to keep up with the writing styles of J.Screib.
