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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Home Invasion, Rape and Murder of 93 Year-Old Woman in Omaha

In a horrific, and truly senseless crime that shocked Omaha this summer, a 19 year-old itinerant, homeless roofer was drunk and “angry with women.”  (FullStory).  He walked through an unlocked door in the Little Italy section of Omaha, into a random house, and found a 93 year-old matriarch of the Little Italy community.

What followed was the brutal rape and beating of a tiny, frail old woman described by all who knew her as a wonderful person, “a saint.” Her daughter heard the commotion and came down to find her mother’s blood all over the walls of the room, her mother under the man so drunk he had passed out after the brutal attack.

Louise Sollowin died of complications due to blunt force trauma to her head and body.  Sergio Martinez-Perez was arraigned on felony-murder (deaths that occur in the commission of another crime, such as sexual assault or burglary).

This blog from time to time chronicles the devils who walk among us.  This time, a devil lived for four months in Omaha until he lashed out and killed the most vulnerable among us.

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