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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Oklahoma Bored Kid Murder Really Gang-Related

Last week, we posted on the seemingly senseless murders of a jogger in rural Oklahoma by three teenagers, who said they did it because they were bored.  By the end of the week, it was being reported that the murder was part of a gang initiation for their offshoot of the Crips. The kids were caught when the father of another kid who was being forcibly recruited by the gang (he was resisting) saw the gangsters show up at his house and call the police.

The gang-initiation angle is being used as an explanation that is supposedly better than boredom. It isn’t.  They’re basically the same. Both senseless murders of an innocent person with no connection to them or their criminal activities.  It’s still senseless and depraved.  Anyone who thinks gangs are only an urban problem and that rural gangsters are a joke is completely wrong. Gangs are gangs, crime is crime. Drugs are a bigger problem in rural areas than urban areas and murder more prevalent there.

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