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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Elmore Leonard, RIP

We lost one of the best crime novelists of his generation today.  Elmore Leonard passed away at age 87.  He left behind 45 novels, a number of movies, and one TV series airing now based on his last book Raylan.  The obituaries are rolling in.  Most mention his short, terse writing style.  

What I loved most was his ability to let characters explain themselves, form themselves and show themselves almost completely through dialogue.  Leonard never spent four lines describing how a woman looked.  He let the reactions of her counterparts do it for him, so she formed in your mind.

He left behind ten rules for writing.  He broke some of them.  He noted great writers who broke some.  He knew they were his rules for his writing, which was its own distinct style. It wasn’t everyone’s style.  It was and is good advice. 

I’m going to go read Out of Sight again and enjoy this great writer once more.

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