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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Staten Island Creepy Clown Begs to be Punched

Back in September, a clown dressed as Pennywise – the homicidal clown in Stephen King’s terrifying book It, showed up on the streets in England, staring at people, offering to paint houses (without a paint bucket) and generally scaring the crap out of everyone.  I said then that if someone tried that mess over here, they’d be punched.

Staten Island Clown
A jackass in Staten Island, New York, which, frankly, may as well be a redundant phrase, has taken up the challenge.  The New York Observer has pictures and video of a terrifying clown stalking the streets dressed as a modified Pennywise, carrying a balloon, glaring at people.  It’s time to punch him.  I would think of all the places in the United States most likely to punch a clown, Staten Island would be up to the task.

While I am an admitted sufferer of clourophobia (fear of clowns) and I tend to like to face my fears head-on, I am not about to go punch every clown I see.  I mean, I don’t show up at McDonald’s and start punching Ronald.  I’m not going to punch a clown at a kid’s birthday party unless he goes all Shakes-the-clown and shows up drunk. (see here for link to hilarity, probably on Netflix).   I don’t go to Ringling Brothers Circus.  It’s not that bad.  However, this comes at a time where hit-clowns are on the loose in Mexico taking out cartel bosses.  Clowns are not to be taken as jokes.  
And then this joker shows up.

I’m saying it now: you show up on my street corner, at night, dressed as Pennywise, or close to Pennywise, holding a balloon and glaring, I’m just going to assume you are the violent sort of crazy that needs a punching.  

Take a look at the pictures in the link.  Maybe I’m being overly prickly.  I don’t think so.  Looks like a direct attempt to intimidate those with Clourophobia and scare the crap out of people in general.  Your move Staten Island. 

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