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Friday, March 21, 2014

Another Bootleg Big-Butt Injection Death: Stop the Fake Big Booty Madness

A couple of weeks ago, we posted on the manslaughter verdict of Pebbelz Da Model, who took an otherwise healthy butt and through bootleg injections made it freakish. Not freaky in the good sense, though there were plenty of modeling gigs for her supersized butt.  Other women, noting the attention from King Magazine and those men who read it sought out Pebbelz’s advice on how to get a freakish butt, too.  Pebbelz took the referral money to send women to an unlicensed big-butt injector, a woman in Mississippi died from getting unlicensed surgery in a motel room, and Pebblez stood tall before the Man and got time.  We called for the madness to stop.  It hasn’t.
Mobley (left), Blaine (right)
The madness had continued unabated in New York.  The New York Post reports that charges have been filed in a lethal butt-enhancing injection case up there.  Tamara Blaine, who probably had an otherwise healthy butt (I’m speculating, I’ve never seen her booty), died after getting bootleg silicone injected into her booty at the Liberty Inn hotel from an unlicensed beautician named Tamara Mobley.

Seriously, maybe I’m a stickler for things like formal education and licenses and permits, especially for things that can kill you or put you/keep you out of jail.  You don’t want an unlicensed lawyer, though plenty of people think they can read Wikipedia and represent themselves in court.  You don’t want an unlicensed doctor, but then plenty of people think that you can either disregard the AMA’s guidance on vaccines, or in the case of too many women, get plastic surgery. No one seems to go to unlicensed dentists, though.

But not only was Mobley not only an unlicensed plastic surgeon, she wasn’t even a licensed beautician. How hard is it to get a beauty license in New York?  Mobley allegedly injected Blaine’s booty with silicone, which got in her blood stream, and caused asphyxiation. Her throat closed and she suffocated.  Mobley stuck around to tell the EMT that Blaine had a seizure and vanished.  The Man caught up with her and she’s facing trial.

Let’s look at the societal issues here, though.  We have licenses for a reason. Some things require an advanced level of training and experience.  Law is one of them.  Performing electrical work for others is another. So is injecting foreign substances in people’s bodies.  This is not like a bootleg tape or DVD where it’s almost as good a quality and you can get past the copyright laws in your ethics.  It can kill you.  What booty is worth dying for?  And if you just need plastic surgery that bad, save up.  But you don’t need a freakishly huge booty. Seriously. You don’t.  And like the giant fake breast craze of the 80’s and 90’s, it goes away and leaves women with distorted bodies that no one wants and are a health risk that has to get fixed later. There’s plenty of room for plastic surgery.  I have no issue with this.  But hire a professional. You’d do the same with a dentist.

And to all those who continue to prey on women who think they need a huge booty to get what they need in life, stop the evil. Stop preying on these women who lack the self-confidence to say no the huge fake booty, or the money to pay a professional to do actual surgery, or both.

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