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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Evil Birthday Clown; probable child abuse in England

Any loyal reader of this blog will know of my hatred of clowns.  It is a hatred bred of fear of those who dress up in costumes, paint their faces, wear crazy wigs, and occasionally commit mass murder.  So, I have a thing against clowns.  As does much of the population.  There was a time when clowns were used in advertising. (youtube)   They look scary as hell.

Dominic Deville - Evil Birthday Clown
Ronald McDonald seems to be the last holdout, but he’s getting freakier and freakier  and seems to be a relic of success of the corporation that doesn’t want to let their branding go.  Let it go.

When I write about clowns, I inevitably get two sets of emails. From kindred spirits, I get emails with either virtual high-fives and complaints that I attached pictures.  Then there are those who do not fear clowns (yet – because everyone will eventually have reason to fear clowns)

Now, there is another Joker out of England  who is apparently not part of the clown union because he is pulling some stuff that would get him thrown out in a hurry.  Dominic Deville rents himself out as an “evil birthday clown” who leaves scary notes for your children, warning them that they’re being watched and that they’ll soon be attacked. At the end of a terrifying week, the child will indeed e attacked by Deville, wearing a scary clown outfit, when he smashed a cake into the child’s face.

Sounds like stalking, terroristic threats and assault on a minor to me. Perhaps they have different laws in England.  It also sounds like child abuse by the parents who would order and pay for such a thing.  You know a divorce is going to happen.  Any parent insane enough to think this is a good idea is probably not long for their marriage, either.  And whoever pulled the trigger for the scary-stalky-assaulting clown, is going to hear about it in family court.

But let’s get back to the clown himself. What kind of sick bastard thinks it’s funny to stalk children, terrorize them, then attack them?  He needs to be punched, hard, and not by a kid.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Florida now has giant African rats; one step from Australia

As we’ve said before, Florida has well-known problems with bears,  pythons, wild hogs and surfing snakes.  It has temporary problems with lions.  

That giant Florida rat is 9 pounds and 3 feet long.
That doesn’t count the alligators that are like everyone else’s raccoons. Now, it has been reported on Keys InfoNet  that on Grassy Key, Florida, there is a re-emergent problem with giant Gambian giant pouch rats.  There is an animal called a Gambian giant pouch rat, that AVERAGES three pounds, and three feet long, and can get up to NINE POUNDS.  A freaking nine pound rat that is three feet long and has a pouch.  It is like a nasty, nasty cousin of a possum (which is bad enough in its own right).  It was of course imported by someone who decided to breed them, then found no market for them, and instead of taking them to animal control, just let them out so they could breed themselves. Florida, when will you learn? This is the source of your python problem in the Everglades, and your New Jersey expatriate problem in Dade County (though they released themselves from captivity in Jersey, which is like a prison in itself). 

Florida, you have an invasive species problem. This is not what was meant on the Statue of Liberty when we implored the world to send their tired, their poor, their huddled masses yearning to be free.  It didn’t include pythons or giant Gambian rats, though technically it may have included people trying to escape New Jersey. 

The State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is going to try an eradication program for the rats on Grassy Key. Let’s home they can find and eradicate the jackass who let them out in the first place. And, let’s hope the giant rats can’t swim, like Florida’s rattle snakes, or I may not be going back to Key West.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Disturbed skinhead couple kill sex offender; get wrong kind, don’t care

Earlier last month, a particularly disturbed skinhead couple (which is somewhat redundant, but go with me here), tracked down and killed a convicted sex offender and his family who was forced to register on the state sex offender registry.  According to the Las Vegas Sun, which was reporting on events in Union, South Carolina, Jeremy and Christine Moody, who are skinheads and were apparently both molested as children, decided to make up a hit-list of sex-offenders on the South Carolina sex offender registry, and kill people on it. 

The Moodys at their sentencing
They chose 59 year-old Charles Parker, who had been convicted of taking sexual advantage of a disabled woman, and served his time.  Don’t get me wrong.  I do not condone at all what Parker did or was convicted of.  Moody didn’t bother to parse what Parker did, though, and thought he was killing a pedophile.  Moody and his wife decided to kill everyone in the house they ran across, and had others on their list to get to next.

Moody drove up to Parker’s house and popped the hood of his car.  When Parker came out to see if he needed help, Moody and his wife forced him inside at gunpoint, shot him and his wife, and stabbed them.  They had apparently gone to church that day. 

Police had no problem finding Moody from Parker’s surveillance equipment.  Moody had a tattoo that says “Skinhead” on the side of his neck.

Moody thought he was getting revenge for whomever Parker had molested.  The law had already punished him.  Moody and his wife and serving the rest of their lives in prison.  Parker was, too, in a way, living on the sex offender registry.  He rightfully had a surveillance camera system and knew he would be the target of attacks.  The state gave him a sentence in prison, then gave him a sentence when they put him on the registry making him a target for people like the Moodys.  With some states putting anyone who is convicted of any sex-related crime, soliciting a prostitute, being a prostitute, committing statutory rape when the ages are only a few years off (which for a time was the norm for sex offender registries, and fortunately states like Texas have been paring back from and only making the registry for violent sex offenders), perhaps it is time to look again at whether the sex-offender registries are overused in every state and should be confined for what they were originally legislated to be: a registry of violent pedophiles or violent rapists so the community could be warned.  Not to create targets for crazies like the Moodys.  It’s the Scarlet A of the internet generation.