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Monday, April 28, 2014

McDonalds Refreshes Ronald, Scares Rest of Us

McDonalds is in the frying pan.  It is playing with fire.  Last Tuesday, the company, which said profit in the first quarter of the year tanked 5% while sales at stores open at least a year slid 1.7% has decided to do something about it.  Apparently, introducing a really, really tasty new burger and chicken sandwich (see the Bacon Clubhouse Burgerwas frowned upon by the marketing department who decided not to promote fresh ingredients, new sauces, awesome tastes.  No, apparently the marketing people thought the way to go was to reintroduce, change-up, and thrust forward on the company’s social media platforms a scary ass clown. 
New Ronald McDonald with added coulrophobia

The LA Times reports that Ronald McDonald is losing the fluffy sleeves and floppy pants for something more modern.  He’s getting mustard cargo pants and a red and white rugby shirt (something more realistic). He’s keeping the huge red wig, white face paint, oversized shoes and gloves. In other words, he’s still looking like a scary ass clown, but a more realistic clown, which is scarier still.

The LA Time asks the right questions: Is he still creepy? Just ask yourself if you’d let him date your daughter.”  Answers: Hell yes, and hell no.

I would like my premium coffee and McGriddle without a side of coulrophobia.

Apparently, “Later in 2014, McDonald’s will send its spruced-up clown onto the tube in its own advertisements in the U.S. Within the next few years, new and remodeled restaurants will be able to incorporate the character into in-store graphics, furniture and décor.”

Awesome, later in 2014, I’ll turn off the TV and then in a few years, you’ll have people leaving your restaurants.  McDonalds restaurants are apparently not watching the news about clowns. People don’t like them. Professional clown numbers are going down.  The news about clowns is all bad.  (see prior coverage here)  

Yet, McDonalds is putting up front an image that people associate with serial killers and hit clowns (see here)  

Shrewd, very shrewd.  Your move Taco Bell.  Not a hard move to beat.  Just don’t dress that Chihuahua up in a clown suit.

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