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Monday, June 2, 2014

Ocean’s 3 of Oklahoma: Family of genius thieves tries to steal drugs from police station

In its continuing battle to become the Florida of the southern Plains, Oklahoma makes a new entry in the competition for most inept criminals.  News 9 Oklahoma reports that a family, Richard Andress, his daughter Hollie Andress, and her fiancĂ© Matthew Waller went into the lobby of the Edmond, Oklahoma police station and went to the bin where folks can dispose legally of prescription narcotics that they are no longer using and don’t want to flush down the toilet. 
Ocean's 3 of Oklahoma: Andress family and fiancee
Security footage (protip for criminals: police stations have video surveillance going 24/7), showed the suspects reaching into the bin numerious times, sometimes all the way up to their shoulders and pulling out pills while the record clerk helped other people.  The clerk let it go for a while, letting the Oceans 3 team get on with their heist.  As News 9 states: “At one point, Waller tried to hide behind the metal detector. You can see officers come out to handcuff the suspects and they said Hollie Andress did not think she had done anything wrong.”

One of the officers couldn’t handle it any longer (probably after he stopped rolling on the floor laughing) and came out to tell her she was under arrest.  She told him that “it doesn’t say anywhere in the fine print that you can’t take drugs out of the box.”  Shrewd.  Very shrewd.

According to the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, they have 153 prescription drug bins in police stations and this is the first time in the three years of the program that anyone has tried to take drugs out.

Apparently the OBN is not going to let the Andress family go with their “fine print” defense.  According to the OBN spokesman, “everyone should know that you’re not allowed to come in and take someone else’s medication out of a box, especially in a state agency.”  Yep.  You should.  Doesn’t mean they did.  But, as they say, ignorance of the law is not a defense.  Nor is plain ignorance. 

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