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Friday, February 21, 2014

Another day in Paradise: Florida Home Search Reveals Drugs, Ammo, Live Bass, Frozen Alligators, Toddlers

In an early entry for the title of search warrant results of the year, deputies in Polk County, (Orlando-area) Florida executed a search warrant and found the following at the home of a couple: guns, ammo for an AR-15, meth in a box of baby wipes, home-made meth pipes, one live illegal bass, two dead and frozen illegal alligators, and two live, otherwise unhurt toddlers.  That is probably the bust of a lifetime. 
Alligators found in a meth-head's freezer
The Orlando Sentinel  reports the findings and provides the pictures.  The alligators were found in the freezer, and were apparently a gift from the woman’s parents.  They were whole.  Maybe they were going to be for boots.  Maybe they were going to be sold for something.  It’s Florida, so you can find such things.  It’s just not legal.  We have lots of alligators in Anahuac, Texas, but you don’t hear of deputies finding them on drug busts in people’s freezers. 

The bass is another story.  It was apparently found in an aquarium.  It was undersized, so apparently in Florida, couldn’t be taken from the wild waters and brought home.  It’s a wildlife violation.  It’s adding insult to injury.  It is showing that these folks are too lazy to get a real fish from a store and get theirs from a lake. 

They also found 300 grams of meth in the baby wipes box.  And they found the twin babies.  Obviously, the babies were taken away, though they weren’t apparently harmed by the parents’ antics, beyond the negligence of having them in a house with meth, a meth head, guns in reach, and a live bass (the alligators were no threat).  I’m guessing that Family Services saw enough with the drugs, ammo, alligators and bass to think that the kids would be better off somewhere else.  Though, with Florida’s record of state institutions for kids (link to story on bodies found at juvenile jail camp) that’s debatable. 

I’m actually curious how the alligators were found.  The search warrant, which wasn’t linked in the article, likely didn’t have frozen alligators described in it.  Maybe the warrant said that the police were looking for drugs and thought they’d be in the freezer. When they opened the freezer, the alligators were “in plain sight” and were then able to be confiscated and added to the charges.  It’s an interesting Fourth Amendment question. As is the bass.  Anything is possible with meth.  Anything is possible with Florida.

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