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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Going All-In Chicago-Style: Pregnant Woman Under Arrest Asks Cops of She Can Shoot Heroin

A Minnesota woman visiting the West Side of Chicago went all-in, Chicago style, or at least West-Side style.  She was at the Walmart on West North Ave. (Chicago area readers know this Walmart and know it’s dodgy).  She was arrested for shoplifting when she asked the officers if she could do some heroin.
No, you cannot do a bag of heroin in police custody
While that might be a reasonable request in Minnesota, with that whole “Minnesota nice” thing, it’s not cool in Chicago, or at least with the Chicago Police.  Especially when you’re pregnant and you tell the police that.  You’re announcing yourself as a crazy junkie.

The Chicago Tribune reports  that Edith Hancock, the soon-to-be mother of the year, continued to ask for “just one blow” while being processed because she was getting “dopesick.”  Officers found multiple bags of heroin in her purse. She told them she only wanted one.  Again, while that sort of thing might be cool in Minnesota, it’s not gonna fly in the west side.  And didn’t. On the west side, if you’re gonna do heroin in the Walmart on North Avenue, you’re going to have to do it before the police arrive.

At least the judge was somewhat cool.  Hancock was released on a signature bond.  Meaning she was released on her own recognizance, having to pay no bond, and told to appear in court on February 18.  Likely the judge hopes she’ll go back to Minnesota.

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