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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bears so common in Florida they are a traffic hazard

The bear problem in central Florida has gotten so bad that three bears were hit by cars in a 24-hourperiod. That’s likely more bears than Miami Hurricane fans.  Because, well, Miami isn’t that good this year. And bears have gotten out of hand in Central Florida.  They have come for our beer.  And now Floridians are either so inept that they can’t see a bear from their car

Bear down!

We reported earlier about Bears in backyards, bears in swimming pools, and bears at birthday parties.  Florida is a relatively big state, so one might think the stories came from different parts of the state. They did not.  They all originate on the outskirts of Orlando in central Florida.  Someone decided it’d be awesome to build neighborhoods right on the edge of a bear sanctuary. 

There are many animals I have come across on the road at dusk: deer, hawks, armadillos. Hell, I lived in Arkansas and Missouri so have hit two squirrels falling out of trees, two hawks (in different states) in mid-flight, and wiped out a chicken crossing the road. I’m not proud of that vehicular carnage, and it took more than its fair toll on my little green truck back then.  But, I was in Arkansas, Mississippi and Missouri, and I never hit a bear.  I never came across a bear in eastern Arkansas or Northwest Mississippi because I had the sense not to drive near where bears are. And I have the sense not to build a house near where bears are. Especially if it’s not a hunting cabin.

But Florida is a crowded place, especially Central Florida and they needed room for houses. And, apparently someone thought that the bears would stay in their sanctuary instead of doing exactly what those episodes of Yogi Bear taught us they would. They will come after our picnic baskets, lounge in our pools, and if given the chance, drink our beer.  And Floridians are so insane, they chase the bears on foot. 

According to WESH.com, there is even a “bear hour” in central Florida that coincides with dusk, and this time of year (the wandering time for bears), rush hour for humans.  

Perhaps they need a feral hog invasion to occupy the bears.  At least the hogs don’t get into traffic that often, even if they get into our beer

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