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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ladies, get a dog, it will bite your jealous, assaulting ex-boyfriend in the balls

Here is a statement I have made again and again.  I will say it once more.  If you want home protection, get a dog. Don’t get a Bichon Frise or other fluffy lap dog that looks cute and cuddly.  And with no respect to Open Carry Texas (because those yahoos don’t deserve any), don’t get a gun.  If you are assaulted in your home and have a gun, it can be turned against you. You also have to get it from a locked safe (because if you don’t have it in a locked safe, you are insane and a danger to your community and children and everyone who comes in your home), then you have to aim it and fire under maximum duress. If you have a 70 pound-plus dog, it will do all that for you.  It does not need to be let out of a safe. It does not need to be aimed and fired.  It will defend you, and it will love you, too. 

Better than a gun.
Your new boyfriend, maybe not so much.

A woman in Michigan found all that out last week. The details are spare.  Here they are from the Livingston Daily.   She was at home in bed with her new boyfriend, with her kids by her old boyfriend in the other room. The old boyfriend came by enraged, likely by the presence of the new boyfriend in the bed in the house with his kids.  He broke in and started to throw things at the woman and the new boyfriend (who has no more role in the story because he was either knocked out or fled out). She got assaulted until the old boyfriend left and ran out, citing “police presence in the area.”  He was taken to the hospital for a dog bite to the groin.

He cited police presence, but he was bitten in the balls by his ex-girlfriend’s dog.  I will bet $50 dollars that being bitten in the balls by a dog big enough to get to his balls was what made him flee and go to the hospital, where he was arrested.  I doubt he goes back to the house to attack her again because he will be bitten in the balls again.  He probably thought he was cool with the dog. He probably played with it and pet it and gave it hot dogs.  Doesn’t matter.  You attack a woman who owns a 70 pound dog, the 70 pound dog will defend her because that’s what they are bred to do.  They will also protect the kids. 

Don’t get a gun.  Get a dog. 

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