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Monday, October 20, 2014

Creepy Copycat Clowns – pitiful by alliteration, arrest in France

Last week, we blogged about the Wasco, California clown, who had spawned other creepy clowns on the outskirts of Los Angeles’ armpit.  The Wasco Clown was not the original, as we pointed out last week It was an impersonator of the scary clown in England, and the scary clown in Staten Island.  The Wasco Clown got a lot of attention, and its California copycats got arrested for general jackassery – public mischief I believe was the official charge, though chasing someone down the street while dressed as an evil clown is general jackassery and deserves a butt-whipping.

Mask on the right needs to be retired
Now the Wasco Clown turned out to be a “photography project,” as reported by Kern Golden Empire, the local paper.  Sure, just like the one in Staten Island.  This “photography project” was to dress up as an evil clown and get its picture taken at local establishments, then put them on Twitter to see what would happen.  I’ll tell you what would happen, what happened in Staten Island – it scared a lot of people, gave clowns a further bad name, got the clown union involved in trying to defend clowns from these jackasses, and then the anonymous Wasco Clown says it was all in fun.  Maybe fun for you.

Not there are next level copycat clowns coming out of the woodwork.  According to UPI, there have been photographed creepy clowns in Albuquerque, Indiana, and Jacksonville.  There is a video of a clown in Jacksonville walking up to a security camera in front of a house, posing, then walking off. I assume that he knew the guy, because around here, that would get you shot.  Coulrophobia would likely stand up for Stand Your Ground, because it’s a clown, and not a woman being beaten by her husband or boyfriend – (which is apparently ok with prosecutors in Florida).

The Jacksonville and Albuquerque copycat clowns have not thus far caused much alarm in person in the towns. The one in Indiana, however, has.  Police officers have asked residents to call them if they see a man wandering the streets with balloons, frightening residents.  He “is not believed to have broken any laws.”  That doesn’t mean he won’t cause a ruckus, or need a talking to.  Fishers, Indiana is somewhat close to Chicago and the home of John Wayne Gacy, the original scary clown of them all.

You know where else this is played out? France. There, a fake clown got a six-month suspended jail sentence earlier today for threatening passers-by while in full clown garb.  

So, let’s stop all you jackass creepy clowns. The joke’s played out.  You’re fourth-level copycats.  You’re like the guy who shows up at football games in full-body green pantyhose covering your everything, including your face.  Yeah, it was interesting the first time, four years ago.  Now you’re a guy with pantyhose on your face.  If you’re dressing up as a creepy clown and wandering around, you’re liable to get punched by someone not cool with it, who has probably been watching American Horror Story and doesn’t feel like taking it from the TV set to the front yard.

It’s not even cool in France, home of the mime.  It’s time to arrest some folks over here before someone does get punched and ends up crying about their “photography project.”

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