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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

PSA: It Has Been Confirmed - Kitty Therapy Doesn’t Work – 22 pound cat at the shelter

Last week brought news of a pitiful couple in Portland, Oregon who had a 22-pound Himalayan “housecat.”  Or, rather, the 22-pound Himilayan had them.  Then the people decided to breed without the cat’s permission and the cat took umbrage.  The cat took greater umbrage when the little human came in the house and grabbed its tail.  The cat’s earlier attempts to mock the little human with sideways glances and general disdain apparently didn’t work.  Then the cat scratched, as they will sometimes do, and then it got kicked in the butt, as they sometimes will when they scratch babies.

Doing hard time, facing the chair
Then the cat took serious umbrage and trapped the family in the bedroom and they called 911. 

They said all the wrong things, thinking they were saying the right things: “it’s part of our family.” Yada, yada, yada.  Then they said it was going to kitty therapy.

Forward less than a week. 

The cat is at the shelter.  That was quick.  Apparently one of a couple of different things happened: (1) Kitty therapy happened and was an unmitigated failure – as is normal in kitty therapy; (2) the family was mocked so mercilessly on the internet that they decided to forego kitty therapy; or (3) the parents finally got some sleep – which may not have happened for months, mind you - and realized how insane it all sounded. 

So, the 22-pound cat is at the shelter in Portland.  If anyone wants a 22-pound cat with an obvious attitude problem and lack of domestication, head to Portland.  Or, going back to my original suggestion, they could just let this undersized bobcat out in Yellowstone where it would probably do just fine and be happier anyway.

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