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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Florida News Anchor Has Car Stolen by Interviewee

Florida is special.  It just is. Only in the land where someone gets drunk and tries to use a taco as ID with the police could a person being interviewed on TV get mad and then steal the reporter’s car.  Let me repeat that. The thief was being interviewed on TV.  This wasn’t a hidden camera thing.  The camera was out and the thief saw it.  The thief got mad about a question, got in the reporter’s SUV and drove off, while the camera was still rolling.

Cunning plan comes to fruition
The reporter called the police, who promptly found her car and had all the evidence they needed for grand theft auto.

Here’s how it went downWWSB TV got to a house that had been marketed as an 11 bedroom home for rent.  It only had five room and code violations.  TV newsman Josh Taylor showed up for a hard-hitting expose.  His cameraman set up his tripod and camera and Jean Price came out to confront him.  Price demanded that the news guy leave. When he refused, she folded up the tripod, put it in the news van (but didn’t touch the running camera) and then drove the news van away. 

I’m not sure what she thought that would do, aside get her arrested, but somewhere in her Florida criminal brain, something must have said, “get the news van out of here and it’ll all be over.  You’ll show them.  ‘Murica. *uck yeah!”  Or something like that.  Or there was drugs involved. 

Florida was definitely involved.

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