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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Second Man Charged With Shotgun-Killing Cats Like Skeet

There are some people who are just sick in the head.  There is something wrong with them that is almost inexplicable.  They show no empathy to innocent creatures. They hurt things for fun.  They are not part of civil society, or shouldn’t be.  Prison time, for them, is all about deterrence.  They have to be removed from society because they don’t belong in society.

It is alleged that Alexander Marsh of League City, Texas, and Joseph Morgan of Highlands, Texas, threw cats in the air so they could shoot them with shotguns, like they were skeet shooting.  If this is true, then these two are sick in the head and need to be removed from society.

Alexander Marsh
The Houston Chronicle reports that Marsh and Morgan have been charged with felony animal cruelty in East Harris County.  A neighbor of Morgan’s in Highlands told Harris County sheriff’s deputies that she had seen two men tossing a cat into the air and shooting it with a shotgun, according to the two men’s arrest warrants. 

According to the Chronicle: Deputies met with Morgan, who told them Marsh was the one who threw the cat into the air while he was the one who shot it, according to court documents.

Morgan said he and Marsh shot the cat because its eye was previously injured and they couldn't afford to take it to a veterinarian, records state. According to a news release from the Harris County Sheriff's Office, Morgan said he used a shotgun loaded with bird shot.

Morgan told investigators the cat didn't die immediately but was "flopping around" in apparent pain after it was shot and landed on some broken concrete and bricks about 20 feet below the two men's location.

That excuse, that the cat had an injured eye and they couldn’t afford to treat it, sounds as shady and ridiculous to me as it likely did to the deputies.  Hopefully these two spend a lot of time locked up. That kind of unspeakable cruelty to animals shows a level of depravity of those not fit to be in society.

Full story and pictures:  http://www.chron.com/neighborhood/bayarea/article/Second-man-charged-in-shotgun-death-of-airborne-5162752.php?cmpid=houtexhcat#photo-5754351

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