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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Two Houston Teens Accused of Making Deal with Devil and Killing Girl

Two teenage boys in Houston have been arrested for a shocking and callous murder of a teenage girl in an abandoned apartment in Southeast Houston over the weekend.  Yahoo news reports that the prosecutor claims that the boys made a deal with the Devil, which prompted the murder.  This is not a figurative devil, or a deal with some cartel leader who is accused of being like the devil.  This is literally the Devil, with a capital D.

Booking photo of Jose Reyes
Jose Reyes is accused of making a deal with the Devil, for what power the Prosecutor doesn’t say and the article does not disclose.  Whatever it was, Reyes also apparently had a shrine to the occult in his room at home.  Reyes, who is seventeen, and a 16 year-old who isn’t named, face a capital murder charge in the killing of Corriann Cervantes. 

Authorities say they lured Cervantes to the abandoned apartment on February 5 where they bludgeoned her, strangled her, stabbed her and sexually assaulted her.  She was found with an upside down crucifix carved into her stomach.  The motive was to close their deal with the Devil.  The younger of the two heard that Reyes had made a deal with the Devil and allegedly wanted in on it and thought he had to kill someone to get in.

What sort of sickness this takes is almost indescribable. What lack of parenting and intervention by family when a kid has a shrine to the Devil in his room, is also another matter.  The family went to the authorities after Reyes made some admissions to them about what had happened. The prosecutor said, “They did the right thing. Clearly they were offended by his conduct.”  That’s pretty light.  Offended is what you are when your kid cusses out an elder in a Luby’s.  When your young relative sells his soul to the Devil and kills and carves up a girl, you are more than offended. You should be appalled and sickened and shamed.  The family did do the right thing in coming to the police.  What right things could have been done earlier?  I’m not getting on every family whose teenager wears black and likes heavy metal.  Lord knows me and my friends were like that.  We didn’t worship the Devil. 

This reminds us, though we didn’t need it, that while there is good in the world in countless ways, and love in countless measure, the Devil does walk in our world and evil finds its way in, too. 

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