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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pimping Not as Easy as His Shirt Says

A California pimp was busted in the most ridiculous shirt a pimp could be busted in. It said, “I make pimpin’ look easy.” Martell Davis was arrested by San Diego Police who answered a Back Page ad for prostitution, got an underage prostitute to come to a motel room, then engaged in a text-message negotiation with Davis for the price of anal sex.  Full article with pictures here.  

In more epic failures, Davis posted pictures of traveling across state lines to pimp underage prostitutes. Perhaps in an attempt to be ironic, put up posts on Facebook disapproving of those who turned out minors.  And in what is surely going to be on its company website soon, made a play at being a brand ambassador by posting a picture of himself wearing a Trump Hotel bathrobe, smoking a blunt, looking cool. 

Not very well played, sir.  Not well played at all.

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