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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Houston is in the midst of a hair-weave theft epidemic

Houston, we have a problem.  The problem is two-fold: first, we have women who don’t just embrace natural hair.  There is nothing wrong with natural hair, be it thick, somewhat kinky, or short.  I can understand the allure of a weave. It allows a great amount of creativity in a short amount of time.  You can literally change an entire look in about three to four hours, depending on how much horsing around is going on in the beauty shop and how overbooked the shop is.  As a man who shaves his head, I have obviously not gone that route.  I have instead taken the opposite route.

Victimized shop owner
But I am married to a wonderful (Black) woman, for whom weaves could theoretically be an option.  I am not insane, so I don’t say anything about her hair except how much I love it.  But I love natural hair better.  So, problem number one, in my eyes, Houston, is that we have an epidemic of weaves.

Problem number two is that we have an epidemic of thieves stealing weaves from weave shops.  KHOU has reported that there is a veritable weave crime spree as two men wearing bandanas are breaking into weave shops in a somewhat creative way. They have apparently been watching Mission Impossible. They break into the store next door to the weave store, then bust through the drywall between the stores (these aren’t banks, and this isn’t Ocean’s 11, 12 or 13), but they do lay low to avoid tripping the weave store’s alarms.  This is breaking news: weave stores in Houston apparently have laser and motion alarm sensors. Then they grab as much weave as they can and flee.  It has happened repeatedly. It is a crime wave.  It is a weave wave

Which leads to the third problem Houston has, which is apparently related to the second problem, there is apparently an underground market for stolen weaves.  Because if you steal anything other than cash, you have to fence it.  You’ve got to sell it to a third party that doesn’t care if it’s stolen. At flea markets or out of a truck or to someone who wants it on the down-low from their connection.  And apparently folks in Houston are as cool with getting their weave like this as folks in New York are getting their purses this way. 

Seriously, who buys bootleg hair-weave? Probably the same people who buy bootleg butt-injections
 Stop it, Houston. Go natural.  And if you’ve got to go with the weave and get a multi-colored bouffant that you can’t wait to grow yourself, get it legit.

Photo credit: Houston Chronicle

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